Current state of a Kurdish political prisoner, Tahsin Piroozi in Bandar Abbas prison
Hengaw: A citizen of Marivan, who was arrested during obligator

Hengaw: A citizen of Marivan, who was arrested during obligatory military service and sentenced to 15 years in prison in exile, is currently being held in Bandar Abbas Prison in a very poor mental state.
According to a report received by the Hengaw, Human Rights Organization, Tahsin Piroozi, a political prisoner from the village of Sardush, Marivan, is currently serving his third year without leave in Bandar Abbas Central Prison.
According to a source close to Mr. Piroozi's family: his family have not been able to visit him since his transfer from Sanandaj Central Prison to Bandar Abbas Prison. And despite heavy covid contamination in this prison the warden refused to let Tahsin out on a temporary visitoy release.
The source which for safety reasons insisted to remain anonymous, told Hengao: Tahsin is kept in a cell along with two other police deputies of whom charged with drug smuggling in Central Prison of Bandar Abbas and he is in a very bad mental state.
Tahsin, a 22-year-old, was arrested by IRGC intelligence forces on Tuesday, October 17, 2018, while serving his obligatory military service in the Sardush village military camp and held in custody at the IRGC detention center under brutal torture and interrogation for 4 months.
He was finally sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Sanandaj Military Court, headed by judge "Bozorgi" on Wednesday, February 6, 2019, with charges of espionage and membership in the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan. Needless to say that Tahsin Piroozi was deprived of the right to have a lawyer during trial and appointed one to him by the court of the lawyers close to the Revolutionary Guards with the identity of "Rastin" who according to Mr. Piroozi's relatives defended the IRGC positions.
Tahsin Piroozi was transferred from Sanandaj Central Prison to Bandar Abbas Central Prison to serve his sentence by the end of March-2020 and is still denied the right to leave on visitoy release to see his family.
The source further explains that the plaintiff in this case is the Sanandaj IRGC intelligence chief with the identity of "Al-Fati". Which has influenced and insisted the Supreme Court as well as judiciary department to rule the above sentenced and prevent the defendant the right to leave on temporary visitoy release and even denying his transfer to the general ward of the prison.