Tehran: Hamraz Sadeghi Arrested to Serve Prison Sentence

13 August 2024 00:32

Hengaw: Monday, August 12, 2024

Hamraz Sadeghi, a resident of Tehran and a protester of compulsory hijab, was arrested and transferred to Tehran's Evin Prison to serve her one-year prison sentence.

According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Saturday, August 10, 2024, 40-year-old Hamraz Sadeghi, a resident of Tehran, was arrested and transferred to Evin Prison to serve her one-year sentence for the charge of "propaganda activity against the regime" through her activities on social media.

She, as one of the women who opposed compulsory hijab in the "Girls of Enghelab Street" movement, was previously arrested by Iranian security forces in March 2018 using violent methods and was later released on bail.

Hamraz Sadeghi was subsequently sentenced to one year of imprisonment by one of Tehran's Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court branches for the charge of propaganda against the regime.

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