A citizen arrested in Rawansar

15 June 2017 13:00
Hengaw: The forth citizen in Rawansar was arrested.
According to Hengaw, the Iranian Intelligence Service in Rwansar in Kirmashan (Kermanshah) Province raided the house of Yaser Waladbaigi and arrested him on Tuesday.
Based on a reliable source, Yaser was beaten as the time of being arresting.
During the recent days, three other citizens in Rawansar whose names are Farman Mozafari, Farough Mozafari and Bahman Gholami have been detained.
Their arrest is a part of recent mass arresting in Kurdistan in accusation of membership in Salafist and Wahabi groups.
One of the Yaser’s relevant told Hengaw: “he has been arrested only because he is a partner of Farman in a shop”.