Two Kurdish clerics from Piranshahr were kidnapped by Iranian government forces

Mullah Mohammad Jamaluddin Vaji and Mullah Sharif Mahmoodpour, two Kurdish clerics from Piranshahr, were abducted in their homes during the raid by the ...

24 January 2023 14:44


Hengaw: Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Mullah Mohammad Jamaluddin Vaji and Mullah Sharif Mahmoodpour, two Kurdish clerics from Piranshahr, were abducted in their homes during the raid by the Iranian intelligence forces.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on January 23, 2023, Mullah Mohammad Jamaluddin Vaji and Mullah Sharif Mahmoodpour, two clerics from the village of "Pasveh" in Piranshahr, were taken to an unknown place after being kidnapped by Iranian government forces.

According to an informed source, the kidnapping of these two Kurdish clerics was accompanied by severe violence and beatings, and their personal belongings were also confiscated by these forces.

These two clerics were arrested at the same time that the clerics of Piranshahr, Oshnaviyeh, and Naghadeh issued their second statement condemning the suppression of recent popular protests and resistance.

In this statement, executions, arbitrary arrests, torture of prisoners, and the issuance of heavy sentences by Iranian government institutions were mentioned.

So far, there is no accurate information about the fate and whereabouts of these two Kurdish clerics.

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