Mullah Saifullah Hosseini received a harsh 17-year prison sentence

Saifullah Hosseini, a Kurdish Mullah from Javanrud, was sentenced to 17 years of imprisonment, 74 lashes, 2 years of exile to Ardabil, and the ...

25 January 2023 23:35


Hengaw: January 25, 2023

Saifullah Hosseini, a Kurdish Mullah from Javanrud, was sentenced to 17 years of imprisonment, 74 lashes, 2 years of exile to Ardabil, and the removal of his clerical clothes by the special clerical court in Hamedan.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, this citizen was sentenced to 6 years in prison on the charges of "membership of the religious movement of the Kurdistan Quran School," 15 months in prison on "propaganda activity against the regime," 6 years in prison on "inciting the people to disrupt the national security," 2 years and 6 months in prison on "insulting the founder and leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran," and 15 months in prison on "disturbing the public order." He was also sentenced to the removal of clerical clothes, exile to Ardabil for two years, and 74 lashes.

The verdict of Saifullah Hosseini, the imam of Khatam al-Anbiya mosque in Javanrud, was announced to his family on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

On the morning of Tuesday, December 13, 2022, the forces of the intelligence department attacked Saifullah Hosseini in Javanrud and resorted to violence to kidnap him.

The 60-year-old wife of this Mullah, Khatun Qadri, was beaten by the intelligence department's agents when they forced open the door and broke into Saifullah Hosseini's home. As a result of the power of the blows, Khatun Qadri fractured her left hand.

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