Samaneh Norouzmoradi, a political activist arrested in Tehran

Samaneh Norouzmoradi, a political activist, was arrested by the Iranian government forces in Tehran and taken to an unknown location.

25 April 2023 20:55


Hengaw: Monday, May 24, 2023

 Samaneh Norouzmoradi, a political activist, was arrested by the Iranian government forces in Tehran and taken to an unknown location.

 According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Monday, April 24, 2023, Samaneh Norouzmoradi, a political activist living in Tehran, was arrested by 12 government forces at her home in West Tehran.

 There is no information about the charges against this political activist and her fate after being arrested by the Iranian government forces.

 Semane Norozmoradi, a political activist, was also arrested by the Iranian government institutions and spent some time in prison.

 This citizen was previously sentenced to 8 years in prison by branch 26 of Tehran’s Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court, presided over by Judge Afshari, and according to the Consolidation of Sentences Law, 5 years of this sentence were enforceable.  This sentence was reduced to three years and 9 months imprisonment after submission to the judge's decision, and she was arrested on April 4, 2019, and transferred to Tehran's Evin prison to serve her sentence.

 Samaneh NorouzMoradi was transferred to Rodsar Prison on October 22, 2019, and later to Lakan Rasht Prison, and on April 5, 2021, she was released from Lakan Rasht Prison after the suspension of her sentence.

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