The fate of two 19-year-old Baloch citizens remains unknown after their arrest

Abdulstar Raeisi and Nima Jawadifar, both from Fanuj, Seistan- o- Balouchestan province, were arrested at their hom

17 May 2023 09:37


Henagw: Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Abdulstar Raeisi and Nima Jawadifar, both from Fanuj, Seistan- o- Balouchestan province, were arrested at their homes by forces of the intelligence department. Their fate remains unknown.

According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, the fates of Abdulstar Raeisi and Nima Jawadifar, both 19 years old, after three days of their arrest remain unknown.

On Sunday night, May 14, 2023, forces of the intelligence department arrested Abdulstar Raisi and Nima Jawadifar and took them to an unknown place.

The exact charges against these two young Baloch citizens remain unknown as of the time of publishing this report.

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