Eight Arab activists in Ahwaz sentenced to 8 and 40 years of suspended imprisonment, and banned from leaving the country
Fayez Zahroni, from Ahwaz, Hossein Farajollah Chaab, from Shushtar, Nasser Shaye’- Mazda’eh, Tofu Fal

Hengaw: Sunday, July 16, 2023
Fayez Zahroni, from Ahwaz, Hossein Farajollah Chaab, from Shushtar, Nasser Shaye’- Mazda’eh, Tofu Fallahieh, Hossein Este’dad, and Hadi Jalali, all four citizens from Sosangerd, Saeed Fakhernasb, from Shadegab, and Musa Khalidi, a from Ramshir, the prominent Arab civil and cultural have been sentenced to one year of imprisonment, five years of suspended imprisonment and two years of ban on leaving the country by the Iranian judiciary.
According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Saturday, July 15, 2023, Fayez Zahroni, Hossein Farajollah Chaab, Nasser Shaye’-Mazra’eh, Tofiq Fallahieh, Hossein Este’dad, Hadi Jalali, Saeed Fakhernasab and Musa Khalidi, eight Arab activists from Ahwaz were sentenced to 1-year imprisonment, 5 years suspended imprisonment and also 2 years ban on leaving the country by Branch 2 of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court in Ahwaz, headed by Judge Ardeshir Taheri, on the charge of "membership in a cultural group (Harak al-Hawiya)".
It should be mentioned that Fayez Zahroni, history researcher, Hossein Farajollah Chaab, writer, Nasser Shaye’-Mazra’eh, writer and civil activist, Tofiq Fallahieh, writer and cultural activist, Hossein Este’dad, artist and cultural activist, Hadi Jalali, civil activist, Saeed Fakhernasab, The former head of education department of Shadegab city, and Musa Khalidi a civil activist, were all tortured during their detention.
These eight Arab cultural and civic activists were arrested by the Iranian government forces in April and May 2017 and after interrogation, they were taken to Shiban prison in Ahwaz. They were finally released on bail until the end of the proceedings.