Two Kolbars from Chaldoran killed and wounded by Turkish soldiers

Henagw: On Thursday, April 15, 2021 Two Kolbars from Chaldoran district of West Azerba

17 April 2021 17:00


Henagw: On  Thursday, April 15, 2021 Two Kolbars from Chaldoran district of West Azerbaijan ( Urmia) province were detained by the Turkish military during  on the borders of this city and were tortured in the most brutal manner, one of whom lost his life .

According to a source  from Chaldoran, 35-year-old Kolbar named "Hasan Kachelano"  married and father of three lost his life by the Turkish armed forces 

Another Kolbar, identified as "Bahram Samadi", was severely tortured and managed to escape from the Turkish armed forces .

This Kolbar is currently under medical care in one of the Chaldoran medical centers.

On  Friday, March 12, 2021, the Turkish Armed Forces beat and killed an other Kolbar identified as “Borhan Soleimani “ on the border of Qotur (Kutul)  in Khoy district of West Azerbaijan ( Urmia ) province

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