Evin Prison: Pakhshan Azizi denied family visits and phone calls

16 July 2024 23:16

Hengaw: Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pakhshan Azizi, a Kurdish journalist, social worker, and political prisoner in Evin Prison accused of "rebellion," has been denied the right to phone calls and in-person visits with her family.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, it has been two weeks since Evin Prison authorities banned Pakhshan Azizi from making phone calls and visiting her family.
According to a source close to Azizi's family, their attempts to contact her via phone or meet with her in prison over the past two weeks have been unsuccessful. This has caused significant concern about her health condition.

Pakhshan Azizi has been detained for the past 347 days. Last winter, Branch 5 of the Evin Security Prosecutor's Office accused her of "rebellion" through "membership in opposition groups."

On December 11, 2023, this journalist was transferred from Ward 209 of Evin Prison, known as the detention center for the Iranian Intelligence Service, to the women's ward of Evin Prison.

On August 4, 2023, Azizi was arrested in the Kharazi town of Tehran by the Iranian Intelligence forces.

Previously, Hengaw reported, citing informed sources, that several members of this former political prisoner's family were also arrested along with her but were released after a few days.
It is worth noting that on November 16, 2009, during a protest rally by Kurdish students at Tehran University against the execution of political prisoners in Kurdistan, Pakhshan Azizi was arrested. She was subsequently released on March 19, 2010, after posting bail of 100 million tomans.

Azizi later left Iran due to ongoing pressure and threats from Iranian intelligence agencies. While researching the situation of women in Iraqi Kurdistan and Syrian Kurdistan, she undertook various initiatives aimed at improving their circumstances through social work.

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