On January 2018, eighteen Kurd Kolbers were left between injured or killed
Hangaw: after another Kolber (smuggler) was injured on the borders of Urmia, the total number of the Kolbers

Hangaw: after another Kolber (smuggler) was injured on the borders of Urmia, the total number of the Kolbers and business seekers killed and injured within the last month reached 18 persons.
According to the news received by the human rights website “Hangaw”, on Wednesday (11th of Rebendan and 31st of January), a Kolber from the region of Targawer in Urmia named “Jaweed Qurban Nezhad” was severely injured due to falling down while smuggling and was sent to hospital.
As per the records in the Hangaw research center, within the month of January 2018, at least 18 Kolbers and business seeker Kurds were injured and 8 of them lost their lives.
As per this report, 6 Kolbers from the cities of Mahabad, Naghada, Saqiz, Bana and Urmia (2 persons from the latter) lost their lives.
Three of them was due to snow ledge collapse and escaping, one was killed by direct gun shots by Iranian government guards, another due to falling down and a person lost his life due to a traffic accident.
Twelve Kolbers from the cities of Saqiz, Shnow (2 persons), Urmia, Selasi Bawajani, Sardasht (3 persons), Peranshar, Bana and Mariwan (2 persons) were injured.
Eight of the Kolbers were injured by direct gun shots of the guards and four others by falling down off cliffs while conducting acts of smuggling.