The number of detainees in Oshnaviyeh reaches up to 6

Hengaw: With the detention of another Kurdish citizen in Oshnaviyeh (Shen

30 January 2021 10:47


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 Hengaw: With the detention of another Kurdish citizen in Oshnaviyeh (Sheno) district of West Azerbaijan (Urmia) province in Iranian Kurdistan , the number of detainees in this city has reached up 6  in past two days.

 According to a report received by the Hengaw Human Rights Organization, on the evening of Thursday, January 28, 2021, the Iranian security forces detained a Kurdish citizen identified as Jebrayil Shabani in Oshnaviyeh and transferred him to an unknown location.

 At the same time, Iranian security forces detained  a member of the “ Zhinko” Environmental Association, identified as Jamal Ghasemi.
 Also on Friday, January 29, 4  other Kurdish citizens from Oshnaviyeh, identified as Shuresh Barham, Jamal Nahali, Seyed Luqman Taheri, and Ghafoor Espandar, were detained by Iranian security forces.

 As of preparation of this report ,the reason or the reasons for the arrest of these 6 Kurdish citizens and the charges against them have not been clarified , and their whereabouts are unknown.

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