Qahraman Karimi, lawyer from Paveh, arrested

Qahraman Karimi, one of the lawyers of the judiciary, from Paveh, Kermanshah provided nice, has been arrested by the Iranian security forces.

30 October 2022 11:37


Hengaw: Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Qahraman Karimi, one of the lawyers of the judiciary, from Paveh, Kermanshah provided nice, has been arrested by the Iranian security forces.

 According to the report received by the Hengaw human rights organization, at 5 am on Sunday, October 30, 2022, Qahraman Karimi was arrested by the Iranian security forces at the Beistoun police station while returning from Tehran and transferred to Paveh.

 It should be noted that Qahraman Karimi is one of the lawyers who has represented a large number of political prisoners in various cities of Kurdistan in recent years.

 On Wednesday, October 20th, Negin Mahmoudi, Qahraman Karimi’s wife was arrested after being summoned to the court in Paveh.  She, who is also the mother of a 7-month-old child, was temporarily released from Kermanshah Correctional Center after five days with a bail of one billion tomans $30,00)

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