Iranian government forces abducted a citizen from Kamiyaran

A citizen from Kamiyaran named Ahmad Babakhani was abducted by Iranian government forces and taken to an unknown place...

26 January 2023 22:39


Hengaw: January 26, 2023

A citizen from Kamiyaran named Ahmad Babakhani was abducted by Iranian government forces and taken to an unknown place.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights on Thursday, January 19, 2023, Ahmed Babakhani, married and from Kamiyaran city, was abducted by Iranian government forces.

The follow-up on this citizen's condition by the family did not lead to any results, and no information about his fate or whereabouts has been made available.

It should be mentioned that he is the brother of Musa Babakhani, a member of the central committee of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, who was assassinated by the IRGC in the summer of 2021 in the city of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

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