There are concerns about the deportation of Zaniyar Tondraw, one of the wounded during the Jina Revolution
Zaniyar Tondraw, 18, was denied access to medications after receiving injuries from Iranian troops during the Jina Revolution uprising. Zaniyar and ...

Hengaw: Thursday, March 30, 2023
Zaniyar Tondraw, 18, was denied access to medications after receiving injuries from Iranian troops during the Jina Revolution uprising. Zaniyar and his family have since moved to Turkey and are now living in a camp there. Despite the possibility of being deported back to Iran, Zaniyar is seeking refuge in Europe.
According to reports received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Zaniyar Tondraw’s family of six was returned by NATO patrol forces from Greek waters to Turkey after 72 hours of walking distance and settled in a camp with difficult living conditions.
According to a source close to the family, they are currently residing in a settlement camp located in Muğla province, where they are in danger of being extradited to Iran.
In addition, Zaniar Tondraw hasn't had access to medication since getting to the camp 48 hours ago. As a result of injuries received during the Jina Revolution in November 2022, Zaniar Tondraw has lost eyesight in his left eye and his right eye, as well as 50% of his vision in both eyes. In addition, eight pellets remain in his face, and denying him access to medication increases the likelihood that he will lose his eyesight and sustain additional injuries.
Meanwhile, the deportation of several companions of this family to the Kurdistan region by Turkish authorities has increased the risk of the deportation of Tondraw’s families to Iran in the coming days.
Hengaw Organization for Human Rights is urging that all human rights organizations, especially those overseeing the rights of refugees, intervene and provide comprehensive support to Zaniar Tondraw. Hengaw expresses deep concern for his situation and the situation of his family, and urges action to be taken to ensure their safety and well-being.