Imposed Coercion for Basij Membership on Urmia Livestock Farmers

Recent developments have brought to light the troubling situation faced by livestock farmers in the Silvana district of Urmia, as

10 June 2023 16:57


Hengaw; Friday, June 9th, 2023

Recent developments have brought to light the troubling situation faced by livestock farmers in the Silvana district of Urmia, as they endure threats and coercive measures from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the Basij organization. These pressures have notably intensified, significantly impacting the livelihoods of the livestock farmers.

According to a comprehensive report obtained by the Hengaw organization for Human Rights, livestock farmers in the Silvana area of Urmia have faced explicit threats. They are informed that failure to join the Basij organization, which is affiliated with the IRGC which are designated as a terrorist organization by the United States and several other countries, will result in the denial of grazing rights for their animals in local pastures.

In this regard a resident of the Dizaj village testified to Hangav, that government forces have recently confiscated numerous livestock belonging to a fellow villager. The seizure was justified by citing the individual's alleged "lack of cooperation" with the authorities.

Similar reports have emerged from the Zivah village, corroborating the mounting pressure exerted by the IRGC and the Basij organization on the residents to join these government-affiliated entities.

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