Two residents of Zahedan were detained by government forces

Two Baloch residents of Zahedan, Abdulnasir Shabakhsh and Osameh Shabakhsh, were detained by

27 June 2023 21:48


Hengaw: Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Two Baloch residents of Zahedan, Abdulnasir Shabakhsh and Osameh Shabakhsh, were detained by government forces and transferred to an undisclosed place.

According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, government forces detained Abdulnasir Shabakhsh and Osameh Shabakhsh, residents of Zahedan.

Abdulnasir Shabakhsh, the grandchild of Molavi Ismaeil Zahi, a Baloch  Mullah of Zahedan Mosque, was detained by government forces in an attack on his way home without providing an arrest warrant.

Additionally, government forces raided the workplace of Osameh Shabakhsh, 23 years old and cameraman of the Makki Grand Mosque, in the Tabatabei streets in Zahedan, and violently detained him.

No detailed information about whereabouts, custodial status, or charges against these two citizens are provided.

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