A Baloch adolescent arrested by security forces in Khash

A teenager from Khash named Osman Gomshadzahi Taleb was arrested by Iranian security forces in the city.

08 October 2023 14:30


Hengaw: Sunday, October 8, 2023

A teenager from Khash named Osman Gomshadzahi Taleb was arrested by Iranian security forces in the city.

According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran apprehended Osman Gomshadzahi, a 16-year-old student from Khash, Sistan, and Balouchestan provinces.

During the apprehension of this adolescent, security forces didn’t present an arrest warrant. The whereabouts and the circumstances of his arrest remain unknown.

The details behind the arrest of Osman Gomshadzahi Talb or the charges against him have not been disclosed.

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