Zahedan: Jamshid Gergij's Death in Prison Resulting from Inadequate Medical Care

Jamshid Arbabi (Gergij), a Baloch prisoner, succumbed to his deteriorating health in Zahedan Central Priso

03 January 2024 12:14

Hengaw : Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Jamshid Arbabi (Gergij), a Baloch prisoner, succumbed to his deteriorating health in Zahedan Central Prison as authorities failed to grant him permission to seek medical attention.

According to a report obtained by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights on Monday, January 1, 2024, 36-year-old Jamshid Arbabi (Gergij), a resident of Shirabad, Zahedan, passed away due to the prison authorities' refusal to allow him to leave, despite prior warnings emphasizing the urgent need for medical treatment.

As reported by the Baloch activists' campaign, Jamshid Gergij, a father of three, suffered a fatal cardiac arrest "attributed to the absence of medical attention and the negligence of prison authorities."

Jamshid Gergij was apprehended in October 2022 by security forces for communal crimes and subsequently transferred to Zahedan Central Prison.

According to data recorded by the Statistics and Documentation Center of Hengaw, a total of 34 prisoners lost their lives in Iranian prisons last year, with five of them being Baloch prisoners.

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