An environmental activist in Shno (Oshnaviyeh) was sentenced to 6 years of Imprisonment

Hengaw: One of the environmental and civil activists in the city of Shno (Oshnaviyeh) was sentenced to imprison

29 March 2020 19:11


Hengaw: One of the environmental and civil activists in the city of Shno (Oshnaviyeh) was sentenced to imprisonment by the Iranian judiciary.


According to a report by Hengaw Human Rights Organization, an environmental activist, Rashid Nasserzadeh, a member of Pishro Mountaineering Group in Shno (Oshnaviyeh) city was sentenced to 6 years non-suspended imprisonment by criminal court 2, branch 101.


According to the verdict, Rashid Nasserzadeh was sentenced to 5 years in prison on the charge of "conspiracy against national security" and 1 year in prison for "propaganda against the system".


He has also been acquitted of "espionage for anti-regime groups". His sentence was formally served on Thursday April 5.


According to the law on aggregation of sentences, his maximum sentence is 5 years imprisonment.


Rashid Nasserzadeh was arrested by Shno (Oshnaviyeh) intelligence services on December 19th, 2019 on his way back home from Kurdistan Region, on the road of Piranshar to Shno (Oshnaviyeh). After 40 days he was released on January 16th on the bail of $50000 by the time he was due to have his trial in the court.

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