Iranian security agencies pressure on the family of a Hengaw Human Rights Organization member

Hengaw : The Iranian security agencies have put pressure the family of a Hengaw Human Rights organisation member by

01 March 2021 11:19


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Hengaw : The Iranian security agencies have put pressure  the family of  a Hengaw Human Rights organisation member by seizing their bail.

According to the available information, during the past few days, the Mahabad court has executed 100 million Tomans ( for $4000) bail for Kaveh Hassanpour, a journalist, human rights activist and member of the board of directors of Hengaw  Human Rights Organization.

Simultaneously with seizing  Kaveh Hassanpour’s bail , the Iranian security services put pressure on the family of this human rights activist so that his 66-year-old father "Ali Hassanpour" was repeatedly summoned to the security agencies and interrogated.

Kaveh Hassanupour was released on bail 11 years ago due to pressure from security agencies and is currently living in Norway.

Kaveh Hassanpour was arrested by IRGC intelligence forces in Mahabad on Sunday, December 6, 2009. After being held in solitary confinement for 27 days and tortured, he was transferred to Mahabad Prison and released on 100 million Tomans ($4000 for now ) bail in late March of that year.  .

In the spring of 2010, he was sentenced by the Iranian Islamic  Revolutionary Court in Mahabad, headed by Judge Khodayari, to 18 months in prison on charges of "membership in Kurdish opposition parties", and this sentence was increased to 3 years and 6 months in the Court of Appeal.  .

Kaveh Hassanpour was finally forced to leave his hometown in 2010 due to pressure from security agencies.  Prior to leaving Iran, this member of the board of directors of Hengaw  also participated in human rights and civil activities and was the director of the cultural, artistic and environmental association " Hetaw" (Sun) in the city of Naghadeh.

It is worth noting that members of the Human Rights Organization have always been threatened due to covering  human rights abuses in Iranian Kurdistan, and their families have been harassed by security forces inside the country.

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