Siyavash Houhagh is being subjected to severe torture by Iranian authorities

Siavash Houhagh, a civilian who was detained during the Mahabad City uprising, has been subjected to cruel torture by Iranian government forces for almost ...

17 December 2022 23:44

Hengaw: December 17, 2022

Siyavash Houhagh, a civilian who was detained during the Mahabad City uprising, has been subjected to cruel torture by Iranian government forces for almost two months.

A citizen of Mahabad named Siyavash Houhagh was detained by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps during this city's popular resistance at the end of October 2022, according to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, and was then taken to one of the IRGC's detention centers.

According to the report received by Hengaw, this citizen is married and has a child. He had a short phone call with his family only once in the last two months.

According to this report, Siyavash Houhagh has been subjected to physical and mental torture many times during his detention.

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