Athlete and martial arts judge Fatemeh Barzardi's status is unknown

Fatemeh Barzardi, a well-known athlete from Ilam and the head of the judges committee for the Martial Sports Federation, was abducted by ...

25 December 2022 16:29

Hengaw: December 25, 2022

Fatemeh Barzardi, a well-known athlete from Ilam and the head of the judges committee for the Martial Sports Federation, was abducted by Iranian government forces ten days ago; to date, no information regarding her whereabouts has been made public.

According to a report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, security agencies have so far kept the news of this citizen's captivity from reaching the public by promising her mother an early release of her daughter.

A reliable source says that on December 14, 2022, Iranian government forces abducted Fatemeh Barzardi from Ilam.

The Federation of Martial Sports Associations of Iran named this athlete of martial arts as the head of the technical committee of judges for full-contact kickboxing styles in October 2021.

She has been the vice president of martial arts in the province of Ilam for 14 years, and she has coached in three martial arts disciplines for 21 years.

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