Iranian security authorities detained Sina Kaki from Kermanshah for a second time

Sina Kaki, who had previously been detained by Iranian security forces in November during the Kermanshah popular resistance, was once more abducted and ...

29 December 2022 15:18


Hengaw: December 29, 2022

Sina Kaki, who had previously been detained by Iranian security forces in November during the Kermanshah popular resistance, was once more abducted and brought somewhere unidentified.

The Hengaw Organization for Human Rights has received information that on Tuesday, December 7, 2022, during Kermanshah's popular resistance, Sina Kaki, a resident of Kermanshah, was kidnapped by Iranian government forces for the second time.

One of Kaki's family members says that there is currently no information available regarding the citizen's whereabouts or current state of health.

Sina Kaki was arrested earlier on Monday, November 21, 2022, during the funeral ceremony of Sina Naderi, one of the victims of the popular resistance in Kermanshah, in the Dereh Drej neighborhood of this city, and then he was transferred to Dizel Abad Prison.

During his detention, he was tortured and deprived of all rights, including access to a lawyer.

Sina Kaki was released conditionally on Saturday, November 26, 2022, with a bail of 400 million tomans.

According to what Hengaw has received, this citizen has been accused by government institutions of "propaganda against the system" and "disturbance of public order."

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