Arab political activist Habib Asyud executed

Habib Farajollah Chaab, known as Habib Asyud, a dual citizen who was kidn

06 May 2023 16:35


Hengaw: Saturday, May 6, 2023

Habib Farajollah Chaab, known as Habib Asyud, a dual citizen who was kidnapped and taken to Iran three years ago by the Iranian government institutions with the cooperation of some organized crime cartels, was executed today. 

According to Hengaw, on Saturday, 6 May 2023, the death sentence of Habib Farajullah Chaab, an Arab activist from Ahwaz known as "Habib Asyud", was carried out in an unknown location.

The Meezan news agency affiliated with the Islamic Republic has not specified the exact place of execution of this Arab political activist. But according to several informed sources, the place of execution was probably one of the prisons of Karaj or Tehran.

The Iranian state media announced the accusations of this dual citizen as "corruption in the world through the formation, management, and leadership of a group called the "Movement of Arab Struggle for Tahrir al-Ahwaz" and the design and implementation of terrorist operations and destruction of public property."

Earlier, Tobias Billström, the foreign minister of Sweden, in response to the death sentence of this Iranian-Swedish citizen, considered such action as inhumane punishment and said: Sweden, along with other European Union countries, condemns the use of the death penalty in any situation.

Habib Farajollah Chaab, a dual Iranian-Swedish citizen and the leader of the "Nidal Movement" political movement, was kidnapped in October 2019 in Turkey during a meeting by a drug trafficking gang with the cooperation of the Iranian government institutions and was taken to the city of Van, Eastern Turkey, then was transferred to Iran. This kidnapping itself is a criminal act that some international laws consider an example of terrorism.

Following the abduction of this Ahwazi Arab activist, human rights institutions and activists demanded the follow-up of his case by international institutions and warned against the possibility of torture, obtaining a forced confession, and issuing a death sentence for him.

Habib Farajollah Chaab did not enjoy the defense rights of a defendant in any of the stages of the proceedings, even based on the minimum standards of the Islamic Republic of Iran, including access to a lawyer.

It is worth mentioning that hostage-taking and kidnapping have been an official government procedure since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran so the International Court of Justice in its decision in 1980 in the case of the American Embassy hostage-taking considered this issue as the arbitrary deprivation of freedom of individuals by the Islamic Republic. This procedure has been continued for many years in such a way that taking hostages and taking the lives of Iranian citizens with dual citizenship has become the official procedure of this government.

While condemning this execution, the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights acknowledges that Habib Asioud was deprived of the defendants' defense rights at all stages of the proceedings and was executed contrary to all international legal standards that the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran is obliged to observe. This heinous act of the Islamic Republic should be faced with the international responsibility of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the member states of the European Union, especially Sweden, should cut off or minimize their diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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