A Baha’i adherent sentenced to Six years behind bars

22 June 2023 16:23

Hengaw; Thursday, June 22, 2023

Hami Bahadori, a Baha’i adherent from Tehran currently incarcerated in Evin Prison received Six years prison term, two years travel ban and seize property by the revolutionary court of Tehran.

Hengaw organization for human rights has obtained reports indicating, on Wednesday, June 21st, 2023, Branch 15th of revolutionary court in Tehran under jurisdiction of chief judge Salvati has found Hami Bahadori, a 26 year-old Baha’i adherent, guilty of charges including “plotting and conspiracy” to 5 years in prison and “propaganda against the regime” to one year in prison.

According to the verdicts imposed on Mr. Bahadori, he has been charged with additional supplementary punishment of “exit ban” and “seizure” of him and his wife properly including computer, camera with accessories, hard drive, Inter modem and jewelry. 

Of those charges, the five years prison sentence is executable according to the accumulative sentence’s article in the Islamic republic Panel law. 

Hami Bahadori was taken to Tehran central prison after 3 month  of his initial arrest and later in April 2023, along with several other political and conscience inmates transferred to “Evin” Prison. 

It is important to note that this Baha’i adherent was detained by Iranian government authorities on October 22nd, 2022 and taken to Evin prison in Tehran.

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