A report on the latest situation of Zeynab Jalalian in her 16th year of imprisonment without the right to leave and visiting

Zeynab Jalalian is serving the fifth month of her 16th year of imprisonment (5612 days), despite her i

09 July 2023 19:50


Hengaw: Sunday, July 9, 2023

Zeynab Jalalian is serving the fifth month of her 16th year of imprisonment (5612 days), despite her illness, she is denied the right to leave and visit her family. She is serving the longest prison sentence as a woman political prisoner in Iran.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Zeynab Jalalian has been deported to Yazd prison without any legal justification for more than two years and eight months, and she has not met her family during this time. The authorities of the Iranian security institutions have stated that this prisoner can meet with her family only if she acknowledges their claim about her case and expresses her remorse.

From the time of her arrest until now, in addition to suffering mental and physical torture, Zainab Jalalian has been transferred many times between different prisons, including Khoy, Evin, Kermanshah, Qarchak, Varamin, Kerman, and Yazd prisons, and she has been infected with the Covid-19  twice during her imprisonment. Also, she did not receive any leave permission or medical treatments.

This political prisoner deals with kidney and digestive problems, oral thrush, eye pterygium, poor eyesight, and tooth infection, which she suffered during her imprisonment due to numerous tortures and harsh prison conditions.

Zeynab Jalalian is now in the middle of her 16th year of imprisonment, without observing the principle of separation of crimes, in Yazd prison.

The family of this political prisoner has also been under constant pressure, and in one case in the winter of 2021, they were arrested after publishing a video message where Guzel Hajizadeh, Zainab's mother was pleading for help. 

After the publication of this message, Zainab's mother, and her brothers Pasha, Ebrahim, and Youssef Jalalian were arrested in Mako.

Zeynab Jalalian was arrested on February 26, 2008, on the road from Kamiyaran to Kermanshah, and in November 2007, by the first branch of the Iranian Islamic  Revolutionary Court in Kermanshah headed by Judge Moradi, she was sentenced to one year of imprisonment for illegal departure from the country and sentenced to death for being a member of the Free Life  Kurdistan Party(PJAK).

Zeynab Jalalian's death sentence was approved by the Iranian Supreme Court in 2009 and this sentence was pardoned in November 2011 and was reduced to life imprisonment with a degree of reduction.
Zeynab Jalalian, a Kurdish political prisoner, was born in 1982 in the Dim Qeshlaq village of Mako City and has been in prison since 2008 without the right to leave.

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