Four citizens arrested in the cities of Gorgan, Dehdasht, and Shabestar by Iranian government forces

Behrouz Izadi Rad and Amin Shirafkan, citizens of Gorgan, Morteza Noormoham

10 September 2023 16:26


Hengaw: Sunday, September 9, 2023

Behrouz Izadi Rad and Amin Shirafkan, citizens of Gorgan, Morteza Noormohammadi, from Shabstar, and a citizen from Dehdasht named Hamid Dadras have been arrested by the Iranian government forces.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Saturday, September 9, 2023, Morteza Noormohammadi, a Turkish citizen and a resident of Shabestar, was arrested by the Iranian Intelligence forces while going to the civil registry office. After his arrest, this citizen's house was searched and some of his personal belongings were confiscated.

Earlier on Friday, September 7, 2023, Behrouz Izadi Rad and Amin Shirafkan, both from Gorgan, Golestan province, were arrested by the Iranian government forces and taken to an unknown location.

Behrouz Izadi Rad was previously arrested in May and then transferred to Amirabad prison in Gorgan. This citizen was finally released on August 22, 2023, by posting bail until the end of the proceedings.

At the same time, on Friday, Hamid Dadras, a resident of Dehdasht Kohgilouye and Boyer Ahmad province, was arrested by Iranian government forces. He had been arrested earlier during the Jin, Jiyan, and Azadi movement and later released on bail.

Behrouz Izadi Rad, Amin Shirafkan, Morteza Noormohammadi, and Hamid Dadras were transferred to unknown locations after being arrested and charges against them remain unknown.

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