Tragic Murder of a 13-Year-Old Girl in Sarpol-e Zahab by Her Cousin

Mahya Nadari, a 13-year-old girl was tragically shot and killed by her cousin using a

20 September 2023 13:23


Hengaw, Wedensdey, September 20, 2023.

Mahya Nadari, a 13-year-old girl was tragically shot and killed by her cousin using a hunting rifle. This murder, referred to as a "honor killing," took place in her family's residence in the Zafaran neighborhood of Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah Province.

According to information obtained by the Hengaw organization for Human Rights, on Friday, September September 8th, 2023, Mahya Nadari, a 13-year-old girl, was murdered in her family's home in Sarpol-e Zahab in Kermanshah province.

According to informed sources Her cousin allegedly targeted and shot her in the lower back and neck with a Winchester-type hunting rifle, decapitating her dead body and leaving the crime scene.

This source, while confirming the involvement of the victim's family in her murder, added that Mahya's father has taken responsibility for the murder, for "honor”reasons in an attempt to save the perpetrator (contrary to what actually happened). 

Under the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in cases where a father kills his child, the punishment is not retribution, rather, is typically involves paying blood money (diyah) or in some cases, imprisonment (3 to 10 years). This exemption applies solely to fathers and paternal grandfathers.

Hengaw strongly condemns such heinous acts and holds the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran responsible for promoting violence against women. In this regard, Faraz Firoozi, a legal expert and legal advisor to Hengaw, believes that "the Islamic Republic undermines the private sphere and fundamental freedoms of individuals especially those of women. At the same time where individuals, particularly women and children, need government intervention for protection. By creating exclusive jurisdiction under titles such as honor and virtue, and by conferring decision-making authority to fathers, husbands, brothers, or male family members, allowing such crimes against women”

Note: "Honor killings" are a form of violence, often committed against women, in the name of preserving family honor, typically due to perceived moral or social transgressions. These acts are widely condemned by human rights organizations.

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