
There are 346 items matching your search Marivan

Kurdish political prisoner, Hussein Kamangar, sentenced to 15 years in prison

  Hengaw: A Kurdish citizen from Kamyaran district of Kurdistan province , who was arrested by Iranian security forces two years ago, has been sentenced to prison for being a member of a K...

30 March 2021 18:02

Hengaw released the Identify of four Kurdish citizens arrested during Newroz Celebrations in Baneh

  Hengaw: Following the arrests in cities of Sanandaj, Marivan and Oshnaviyeh , at least four other citizens from Baneh have been arrested by Iranin security agencies for participating in ...

29 March 2021 10:55

4 Kurdish citizens from Baneh arrested for participating in Newroz Celebrations

  Hengaw : Following the  wave of arrests of Kurdish citizens for participating  in Newroz celebrations, 4 other citizens from Baneh district of Kurdistan province have been arre...

27 March 2021 23:38

Four Kurdish citizens from Marivan arrested for participating in Newroz celebrations

  Hengaw: With the arrest of two other citizens from village of "Ney" in Marivan district of Kurdistan province, the number of detainees in this village for participating in Newr...

25 March 2021 09:48

At least five Kurdish citizens detained in Oshnaviyeh for participating in Newroz celebrations

  Hengaw: At least five Kurdish citizens from  Oshnaviyeh district of West Azerbaijan (Urmia) province in Iranian Kurdistan  have been arrested by the security services of the Is...

24 March 2021 11:41

Iran arrested more than 10 Kurdish citizens for attending the Newroz celebrations in Kurdistan

  Hengaw : during  past two days, more than ten Kurdish citizens in the cities of Marivan, Sanandaj and Saqez have been detained by Iranian security agencies for participating in Newr...

23 March 2021 13:19

Two Kurdish citizens from Sarvabad sentenced to prison by Iranian Judiciary

  Hengaw: Two Kurdish citizens from Sarvabad district of Kurdistan Province who were arrested in summer 2020 have been sentenced to prison by the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran....

16 March 2021 00:07

13 Kurdish citizens from Marivan sentenced to prison and flogging for participating in protests against Turkish military attack on Syrian Kurdistan( Rojava )

  Support Hengaw Hengaw : The judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran has sentenced at least 13 Kurdish citizens to imprisonment and flogging on charges of “  illeg...

13 March 2021 11:01

At least 4 Kurdish citizens arrested in Marivan

  Support Hengaw Hengaw : At least 4 Kurdish citizens have been arrested  by Iranian security forces in Marivan, and the number of potential arrests is likely to increase. ...

01 March 2021 17:59

4 Kolbars injured on the borders of Sarvabad, Nowsud and Baneh

   Support Hengaw Hengaw : In the past few days, at least one  Kolbar has been injured by direct shootings from Iranian Armed forces  and three other have been in...

16 February 2021 00:42

A kolbar loses his life in heights of Sarvabad

  Support Hengaw Hengaw : A young Kurdish Kolbar has  lost his life while falling from height in the mountains while crossing  the borders of Sarvabad district in Kurd...

11 February 2021 14:06

Violent detention of a 17-year-old Kurdish poetess in Marivan

  Support Hengaw Hengaw: A young Kurdish poetess  from Marivan district of Kurdistan province was illegally summoned and detained by Iranian  intelligence services in ...

07 February 2021 15:14

2 Kolbars killed and wounded on the borders of Sardasht and Marivan

  Support Hengaw​ Hengaw : A young Kolbar was shot dead by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards  while crossing the border areas of Sardasht district in West Azerbaijan (Urm...

04 February 2021 12:10

Joint letter from 36 of the Human Rights Organization regarding the mass detention of Kurdish citizens by Islamic Republic of Iran

  Hengaw : 36 human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, issued a joined statement to the international community calling for serious and immediate...

03 February 2021 23:35

The number of detained Kurdish citizens by Iranian security forces reaches to 85 — Detention of 2 other Kurdish citizen in Marivan and Oshnaviyeh

  Support Hengaw​  Hengaw : Following the wave of mass detention of Kurdish citizens, 2 other Kurdish citizens have been detained in past three weeks, increasing the total numbe...

30 January 2021 14:48

Kurdish activist Dana Samadi detained in Marivan makes a short phone call with His family

Hengaw : A Kurdish environmental activist detained  in Marivan district of Kurdistan has been able to contact  his family after two weeks  in detention.   According...

28 January 2021 00:06

Identity of an other Kurdish citizen detained in Tehran clarified

Hengaw : Nearly three weeks after the mass detention of Kurdish citizens, the identity of another citizen  from Marivan, who was detained in Tehran, has been  clarified by Hengaw . ...

27 January 2021 09:59

An other Kurdish citizen detained in Marivan Identified

Hengaw : After nearly twenty days, the identity of another detainee in Marivan district of Kurdistan Province has been verified for Hengaw that adds the  number of detainees in this city up ...

26 January 2021 09:46

With the detention of 2 other Kurdish citizens, the number of detainees in Iranian Kurdistan reaches up to 74

 Hengaw : In the past few days, 2 other citizens have been detained  in the cities of Bukan and Sanandaj by Iranian  security forces . Taking  into account these two cases, th...

25 January 2021 13:52

2 Kurdish citizens from Marivan and Piranshahr sentenced to prison by Iranian Judiciary

 Hengaw : 2 Kurdish citizens from Marivan and Piranshahr have been tried and sentenced to prison by the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran on charges of collaborating with a Kurdish o...

23 January 2021 12:16