Iraj Rahimzadeh, a civil and environmental activist living in Marivan, was arrested

Iraj Rahimzadeh, 44, a civil activist from "Ravaar" village in Sarvabad district and living in Marivan, was arrested o

29 May 2022 15:29


Hengaw: Saturday, May 28, 2022 
Iraj Rahimzadeh, 44, a civil activist from "Ravaar" village in Sarvabad district and living in Marivan, was arrested on Saturday, May 28, 2022, by intelligence forces and taken to an unknown location. 
According to a source close to Rahimzadeh's family, intelligence forces raided the civil activist's house without providing any legal documents and arrested him. 
As of this writing, there is no exact information available on the reasons for Iraj Rahimzadeh's detention, fate, and whereabouts, and his family's efforts in this regard have been fruitless. 
It should be noted that Iraj Rahimzadeh was arrested again by security forces in March 2018, and in March 2019, he had been sentenced to 91 days in prison by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court of Sanandaj headed by Judge Saeedi on charges of "collaborating with the Kurdistan Free Life Party" (PJAK). 
It is noteworthy that Iraj Rahimzadeh is married and has an 11-year-old child.

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