Hengaw's Report on the Execution of At Least 20 Prisoners in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj

07 August 2024 22:14

Hengaw: Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The death sentences of at least 20 prisoners, including 13 Kurdish, Baluch prioners, and Afghan nationals, which Hengaw  warned about yesterday, August 6, 2024, were carried out in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj. So far, the identities of 10 of these prisoners have been verofied by Hengaw.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, at dawn on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, the death sentences of at least 20 prisoners, convicted for drug-related charges, premeditated murder, and rape, among other charges, were carried out in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj.

So far, the identities of 11 of these prisoners have been verified by Hengaw as follows:
* Shahab Maleki from Harsin, Kermanshah Province
* Mehrdad Ghanbar Beigi,
* Mohammad Nazari, and
* Esmail Sharifi from Kermanshah,
* Shahriar Foroutan, 38 years old, from Kermanshah and a resident of Tehran,
* Rasoul Heidari and Omid Farhikhteh, both 42 years old from Tehran,
* Foroud Garavand, 50 years old, and Mohammad Karami Kangavari, both from Kuhdasht,
* Abdullah Shahnavazi,  45 years old, from Zahedan.
* Khalil Nahtani, 35 years old, from Zahedan, and formerly residing in Tehran.

Among these, Shahriar Foroutan and Omid Farhikhteh were convicted for premeditated murder, while the other eight prisoners were convicted for drug-related charges.

Additionally, four Afghan nationals were executed simultaneously. Three of them were accused of rape, and one was convicted for intentional murder. Their identities are currently under investigation.

Precise information about the identities and accusations of the other six prisoners, who were transferred from Rajai Shahr Prison to "Unit 3" of Ghezel Hesar Prison along with three of the above-mentioned prisoners, have not been available yet.

These prisoners were transferred to solitary confinement in Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj in several stages last week for the execution of their sentences. Hengaw also issued a warning regarding the execution of their sentences, yesterday.

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