8 Kolbars Killed/Injured in 7 Days
Hengaw: The Islamic Iranian republic’s border guards opened

Hengaw: The Islamic Iranian republic’s border guards opened fire on a group of Kolbars (cross border workers) in Chaldoran, West Azerbaijan ( Urmia ) Province. As result , 1 one of them has been reported killed and several others injured .
According to the reports received by Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Thursday evening, November 5, 2020, Iranian border guards opened fire on a group of Kolbars in Chaldoran and killed one of them.
Hengaw’s correspondent in Chaldoran reported that as a result of direct shooting, one of the Kolbars identified as Hassan Dalayi Milan , a 38–year—old man , father of three, from Qashqablagh village got killed.
An informed source told Hengaw’s correspondent that the Kolbar's body has not been returned to his family yet and others Kolbars who were with him have been arrested by border guards.
Based on the registered statistics of Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, during the past week at least 8 Kolbars have been killed or injured in the border regions of Eastern Kurdistan( Iranian Kurdistan) whom 3 of them died and 5 were injured .