15 Kurdish Political Prisoners on Death Row in Iran
Hengaw: According to human rights monitoring group “Hangaw”, 15 Kurdish political prisoners are on the death row in Iran’s prisons.

Hengaw: According to human rights monitoring group “Hangaw”, 15 Kurdish political prisoners are on the death row in Iran’s prisons.
Based on the information obtained by “Hangaw” the 15 Kurdish political prisoners, sentenced to death by Iranian juridical authorities, are currently being held in Sanandaj, Tabriz, Karaj, Tehran, Urmiyah,Saqqez and Miyandoaab prisons.
The Kurdish political prisoners have been accused of links to Kurdish opposition parties. The execution order of five of them has so far been confirmed.
Names and other information for each victim is as following:
1_ Ebrahim Isapoor/Sardasht/ accused of links to Kurdish political party / central prison of Tabriz
2_ Hassan Faraji/ Bukan/ accused of membership in Kurdish political party/ central prison of Urmiyah
3_ Diyako Shekh Abdulah/Mahabad/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ central prison of Urmiyah
4_Zanyar Moradi/ Meriwan/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ Rajaee Shar prison of Karaj
5_ Ramin Hussein panahi/ Dehgolan/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ Central Prison of Sanandaj
6_ Reza Molazadeh/ Salmas/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ Central Prison of Urmiyah
7_ Saber Shekh Abdulah/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ Central Prison of Urmiyah
8_ Abdulah Sarwariyan/Sanandaj/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ central prison of Urmiyah
9_ Ali Ahmad Suleyman/ From KRG/ accused of helping PJAK/ Central Prison of Tabriz
10_ Kamal Ahmadnejad/ Miyandoaab/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ Central Prison of Miyandoaab
11_ Lupman Moradi/Mariwan/ accused of links to Kurdish Political Party/ RajaeeShar Prison of Karaj
12_ Mostafa Salimi/ Saqqez/ accused of links to Kurdish political party
13_Hedayat Abdulapoor/ Oshnaviyah/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ Central Prison of Urmiyah
14_ Hushang Rezaee/ Nahavand/ accused of links to Kurdish political party/ Avin Prison of Tehran
15_ Kamal Hassan Ramazan/ Rojava (Syrian Kurdistan)/ accused of membership in the PKK/ Central Prison of Urmiyah