Kurdish prisoner dies in Kermanshah due to lack of medical care

Hengaw : A Kurdish prisoner died in Islamabad Gharb Central Prison due to bleeding and lack of medical care.

23 March 2021 11:30


Hengaw : A Kurdish prisoner died in Islamabad Gharb Central Prison due to bleeding and lack of medical care.

According to a report received by the Human Rights Organization, on  Sunday, March 20, 2021, a 35-year-old prisoner identified as "Shahab Darunparvar" who was detained in Islamabad Gharb Central Prison in Kermanshah province lost his life due to severe stomach bleeding .

According to an informed source, Shahab Darinparvar was arrested two months ago and transferred to prison without any history of any specific illness, but he died in prison . despite  that 3 days have  passed since his death his body has not been delivered to His family.

The body was taken to forensic for an autopsy, but on the pretext of the three-day Newroz holiday, Shahab's body is kept in a morgue . A source close to the his , who did not want to be named for security reasons told Hengaw .

Shahab Darunparvar, a resident of Mumi village in Islamabad Gharb district , is married and the father of a 10-year-old child. He was arrested and transferred to prison two months ago for failing to pay his dowry.

According to statistics recorded by the Statistics and Documentation Data Center of Hengaw Human Rights Organization, From match 2020 to March 2021, at least 12 Kurdish prisoners in Iranian prisons lost their lives due to lack of medical care.

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