PDKI of the execution of two of his Peshmerga by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards
Hengaw: The Democratic Party of Iran's Kurdistan has issued a statement that two Peshmerga have been execu

Hengaw: The Democratic Party of Iran's Kurdistan has issued a statement that two Peshmerga have been executed after they have been captured by the Revolutionary Guard.
According to a statement issued by the command of the Kurdistan Peshmerga Forces on August 9, two of its Peshmerga were wounded and captured by the Revolutionary Guards, Were executed by the Revolutionary Guards.
The identity of these two Peshmerga, Ahmad Shabab and Naser Azizi, have been announced, both of whom are from Mahabad.
A senior military official said to Hengaw, that "these two Peshmerga had been wounded during the past days, were martyred by the Revolutionary Guard Corps".
On the morning of Saturday, August 11, at Kelashin mountain peaks, between the Pesmerga forces and the Revolutionary Guards, the conflict broke out. As a result of this conflict, six Peshmerga martyrs were captured and these two Peshmerga were captured after being injured.
In the course of the conflict, 12 Revolutionary Gurds were killed.