6 Months Confinement for Saeed Shirzad
Saeed Shirzad Kurdish political Prisoner in Rajaii-Shahr, Karaj's prison was sentenced to 6 months confinement by

Saeed Shirzad Kurdish political Prisoner in Rajaii-Shahr, Karaj's prison was sentenced to 6 months confinement by Tehran's second Retributive Court.
Based on the report of Hengaw Organisation for Human Rights, Saeed Shirzad was sentenced to 6 months confinement in Rajaii-shar, Karaj's prison on charges of objecting to the transfer of his cell-mates to a high security ward and his verdict was officially passed on to him in past days. Tehran's second Retributive Court(1162branch) was in charge of the case.
Saeed Shirzad, Kurdish political activist from Kermanshan(Kermanshah) was arrested on Monday, June 2, 2014 in his workplace in Tabriz's refinery and was transferred to Evin prison. Later, he was exiled to Rajaii-shar Karaj's prison.
In September 2015 after several postponements in his trial, judge Salavati inTehran's Revolution Court(branch 15) in the presence of his lawyer Amir Salar Davoodi senteced him to 5 years of none-suspended imprisonment on charges of protesting and collusion with the purpose of thretening the country's security.
Later, one year of probation from an old case was added to his 5 years of imprisonment. His verdict is 6 years and 6 months now.