Suicide of a Kurdish political prisoner one day after being sent on leave

Mateen Hassanvand, a 22-year-old political prisoner from Oshnavyeh, who

07 July 2022 13:21


Hengaw: Thursday, July 7, 2022

Mateen Hassanvand, a 21-year-old political prisoner from Oshnavyeh, who had spent three years of his five-year sentence, hanged himself on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, one day after being sent on leave from Maku Central Prison, and ended his life.

According to the report received by the Hengaw human rights organization, Mateen Hassanvand was sent on leave from Mako Central Prison on Tuesday, July 5.

In November 2020, while Mateen Hassanvand was serving his mandatory military service in one of Oshnavyeh barracks, he was arrested by the security forces and transferred to one of the security detention centers in Urmia. He was transferred to Urmia Central Prison after one month and the completion of the interrogation process.

In the same winter, the Kurdish citizen was sentenced to 5 years in prison by the military court of Urmia on charges of "collaborating with the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran" and was transferred to Maku Central Prison then.

As of writing the news, the reason for the suicide of this political prisoner has not been known, and his body has been transferred to the forensic doctor of Oshnavyeh.

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