The fate of Farshad Rostami, a Kurdish artist from Qasr-e Shirin, remains unknown

The Iranian Government forces kidnapped Farshad Rostami, bandmaster of the "Arshavir" music group and a resident of Qasr-e-Shirin, and a number of his ...

02 December 2022 00:51


Hengaw: Thursday, December 1, 2022

The Iranian Government forces kidnapped Farshad Rostami, bandmaster of the "Arshavir" music group and a resident of Qasr-e-Shirin, and a number of his companions in Tehran and took them to an unknown location.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on the evening of Wednesday, November 23, 2022, Farshad Rostami, composer, singer, Qichak player, and bandmaster of the Arshavir music group, along with several other citizens, were abducted by the Iranian government forces in Tehran.

According to the information Henagw has obtained, eight days have passed since the arrest of this artist and his companions, and their health status and whereabouts are still unknown.

The Arshavir Group, in addition to its artistic and musical activities, has been active in the fields of charity and public benefit measures and has performed several concerts to collect financial aid in Tehran to help the victims of the 2017 Kermanshah earthquake.

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