Strong security atmosphere prevailed in Javanroud following the kidnapping of Mullah Saifullah Hosseini by Iranian government forces

Following the kidnapping of Mamosta Saifullah Hosseini, a former political prisoner and a religious figure in Javanroud, and injuring his wife by the ...

13 December 2022 16:52


Hengaw: Tuesday, December 13, 2022

 Following the kidnapping of Mamosta Saifullah Hosseini, a former political prisoner and a religious figure in Javanroud, and injuring his wife by the Iranian government forces, the city has become completely militarized, and the telephone and internet lines have also been disrupted.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, in the early hours of the morning on December 13, 2022, the forces of the Iranian Intelligence Department in Javanroud stormed the house of Mamosta Saifullah Hosseini, the imam of the Khatam al-Anbiya mosque in this city, and arrested him by resorting to violence.

According to an informed source, the Iranian intelligence forces broke the door of Mr. Hosseini's house with a lever and entered his house with boots, and while kidnapping Saifullah Hosseini, they beat his 60-year-old wife, Khatun Qaderi, and broke her arm. She is currently hospitalized at Rasul Akram Hospital in Javanroud.

According to the videos obtained by Hengaw, after the kidnapping of Mamosta Saifullah Hosseini by the Iranian intelligence department, they called the people to appear in front of the governor's building through the loudspeaker of the Khatam al-Anbia mosque, so that in less than 30 minutes, more than 1000 people gathered and demanded his release in front of the governor's building by shouting protest slogans.

Hengaw’s sources have reported that Iranian armed forces have been stationed in the streets of Javanrud since this morning, and telephone and internet lines have also been disrupted.

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