The fate of Sayran Hormuzi is ambiguous following her transfer to Urmia Prison

Sayran Hormuzi, an abducted citizen from Bukan, had been missing for three weeks, and the most recent information reveals her uncertain conditions after ...

21 December 2022 16:13


Hengaw: December 21, 2022

Sayran Hormuzi, an abducted citizen from Bukan, had been missing for three weeks, and the most recent information reveals her uncertain conditions after being sent to Urmia prison.

Sayran Hormuzi, a 23-year-old citizen of Bukan, was transported to the women's ward of Urmia Central Prison after being abducted for 21 days, according to the report that the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights received.

On November 28, 2022, this citizen from Bukan was abducted from her home by personnel from the Iranian intelligence forces in Urmia.

Sayran Hormuzi's condition has not been disclosed by the authorities up to this point, and she has been denied her rights to consult with a lawyer and see her family.

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