Rahim Azizi, from Javanroud, was sentenced to 4 months in prison

Rahim Azizi, a resident of Biashosh village in Javanrud, was sentenced to four months in prison by the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Kermanshah ...

27 January 2023 23:25


Hengaw: January 27, 2023

Rahim Azizi, a resident of Biashosh village in Javanrud, was sentenced to four months in prison by the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Kermanshah (Kermashan) on charges of "propaganda against the regime" and "supporting Kurdish opposition parties."

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Tuesday, January 17, 2023, Rahim Azizi was sentenced to 4 months in prison by the 4th branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Court in Kermanshah.

According to an informed source, the sentence was officially communicated to him on Wednesday, January 25, 2023.

Rahim Azizi, who holds a Ph.D. degree, was abducted by Iranian government forces from his father's house in the Biashosh village in Javanrud on Monday, December 5, 2022.

After spending ten days in detention and interrogation in the detention center of the Kermanshah Intelligence Department, he was temporarily released on bail until the end of the proceedings.

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