Fireshteh Mansouri, a civil rights activist from Sarableh, was sentenced to prison

Fireshteh Mansouri, a civil rights activist from Sarableh, Ilam Province, who was arrested at the beginning of the recent uprisings, was sentenced to ...

29 January 2023 18:40


Hengaw: January 29, 2023

Fireshteh Mansouri, a civil rights activist from Sarableh, Ilam Province, who was arrested at the beginning of the recent uprisings, was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison by the judicial system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In Sarablah, Ilam province, the first branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Court sentenced Fireshteh Mansouri, 35, a civil activist, to 3 years and 6 months in prison on charges including "disturbing public order and peace," "insulting the leader of the Islamic Republic," and "community and collusion against internal security." This is according to the report that the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights received.

An informed source claims that the Court of Appeal in Ilam has accepted the first six months of Fireshteh Mansouri's imprisonment as final and binding, even though she is the head of the household and has custody of the young child. This was done without reviewing the facts of the case or allowing her attorney to make a defense.

Fireshteh Mansouri, a mountaineer, was arrested by government forces on Sunday, October 23, 2022. She was released on conditions after posting a bond with a monetary value of 550 million tomans.

This civil rights activist was also arrested in Tabriz City in 2009 and was suspended from school for one semester. She was arrested again during the protests of 2019 by the IRGC intelligence in Sarableh city and was released after a period of interrogation and detention.

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