Kourosh Garavand, a Kurdish teenager from Sarableh, was sentenced to prison

Kourosh Garavand, a Kurdish citizen under the age of 18 from Sarableh in Ilam province, has been sentenced to 7 months in prison by the Iranian court in ...

31 January 2023 21:56


Hengaw: Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Kourosh Garavand, a Kurdish citizen under the age of 18 from Saraboleh in Ilam province, has been sentenced to 7 months in prison by the Iranian court in this city.

According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, Kourosh Garavand, a 17-year-old teenager, was charged with "assembly and collusion to commit a crime against internal security" and "participation in demonstrations and destruction of public property" by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court in Saraboleh, headed by Judge "Omidy." Then he was sentenced to 7 months in prison.

This teenager was kidnapped by the Iranian government forces on November 24, 2022, during the popular resistance in Saraboleh city.

After undergoing a period of interrogation and detention for 15 days, he was temporarily released on bail until the end of the proceedings.

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