The arrest of two citizens by the Iranian government forces in Piranshahr

The Iranian government forces have arrested two citizens from Piranshahr city, na

11 July 2023 10:14


Hengaw, Monday, July 10, 2023

The Iranian government forces have arrested two citizens from Piranshahr city, namely Shorush Ebrahimi and Mamosta Omar Kamosi, a respected religious figure. These arrests were conducted with the aim of preventing the funeral ceremony of Luqman Aji, a political activist who was recently assassinated.

According to a report,received by the Hangaw Organization for Human Rights, On Monday, July 10, 2023, Shorsh Ebrahimi, a resident of Gargul- e Sofla village, and Omar Kamusi, the cleric of the same village, were apprehended by the intelligence forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

According to reliable sources, Shorsh Ebrahimi was arrested by the intelligence forces of the Revolutionary Guards on the Pasve Road.Subsequently, a raid was conducted on his residence in the village of Gergul- e Sofla.

It should be noted that Omar Kamosi was detained for his participation in the funeral ceremony of Luqman Aji and for organizing the ceremony within the village mosque.

Luqman Aji, also known as "Luqman Gargoli," and Adel Mohajer, known as "Sarbaz Mohajer," who were both members of the Democratic Party of Iranian Kurdistan, were assassinated at 1 a.m. on Friday, July 7th, 2023. The incident occurred in the tourist village of Halsho," located in the Qaladze district of Iraqi Kurdistan.

In a previous report on the assassination of these two political activists, Hengaw revealed that these two political activists were assassinated by "Rasul Azarakhashr." Following the attack, the assailant promptly made his way to the border and sought refuge with the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the Qaladze border.

Over the past decades, the security agents of the Islamic Republic have made numerous attempts to assassinate Iranian Kurdish political and human rights activists within the territory of the Iraqi Kurdistan region.

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