Zana Fatahi, the son of Jawhar Fatahi, has been summoned, and his Instagram account was suspended

The personal Instagram account of Zana Fatahi, a member of the families pursuing justice for s

20 September 2023 10:41




Hengaw, Wedensdey, September 20, 2023.

The personal Instagram account of Zana Fatahi, a member of the families pursuing justice for state-sponsored killings in Javanroud and the son of Jawhar Fatahi, a fallen protester of the “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” Movement, was suspended by the intelligence of the Revolutionary Guards following his summons.

According to information obtained by the Hengaw organization for Human Rights, recently, after summoning Zana Fatahi, the intelligence forces of the Revolutionary Guards suspended his Instagram page and prohibited any activity on this social network.

It is worth noting that after the suspension of Zana Fatahi’s Instagram account, his profile was changed to the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and a story was posted with the logo of the Revolutionary Guards, stating, “This page has been blocked due to the publication of criminal content, as per the order of the respective judiciary.”

According to informed sources, Zana Fatahi has been consistently summoned by the repressive institutions of the Islamic Republic, threatened, and warned regarding his activities.

Jawhar Fatahi was killed on November 21st, 2022, after the burial ceremony of two of the victims of the widespread resistance in Javanrud. He was shot directly by the forces of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), known as “Nabi Akram,” on the “Bahdari” Street of Javanroud. The Revolutionary Guards used weapons such as J-3 (automatic rifles) and submachine guns on that day.

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