Sanandaj; Kurdish language teacher, Saywan Ebrahimi arrested and taken to prison to serve his prison sentence
Saywan Ebrahimi, a Kurdish language teacher and a member of the board of directors of the "N

Hengaw: Saturday, December 30, 2023
Saywan Ebrahimi, a Kurdish language teacher and a member of the board of directors of the "Nujin" socio-cultural association, was arrested and transferred to Sanandaj Central Prison to serve a one-year prison sentence. Previously, he was sentenced to 11 and 1 year in prison in two separate cases, respectively.
According to the report received by the Hengaw Organization for Human Rights, on Saturday, December 30, 1402, Kurdish language teacher Saywan Ebrahimi was arrested after being summoned by the Sanandaj court to serve his one-year prison sentence. His 11-year prison sentence is pending in another case in the appeals court, and if the mentioned sentence gets approved, 10 years of it will also be applicable.
In November 2023, Saywan Ebrahimi was sentenced to 10 years in prison by the first branch of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj, headed by Judge Kerami on the charge of "forming groups and factions to disrupt security" and one year for the charge of "propaganda against the government" which makes a total of eleven years of penal servitude.
In another case, Saywan Ebrahimi was sentenced to one year of imprisonment, exile, and 40 lashes by Branch 106 of the Sanandaj Criminal Court on charges of "disturbing public order". On December 2, 2023, his sentence of imprisonment and flogging was confirmed in the appeals court and the sentence of his deportation to Dizilabad prison in Kermanshah was canceled.
Saywab Ebrahimi, earlier on his page, stated the reasons for issuing these sentences as "responsibility in the Nujin Association and its activities", "supporting the resistance of his wife, Zara Mohammadi", "publishing martyrs' photos on social networks" and also, "connection with a TV channel named KurdTV”. He also stated that he was unaware of the existence of a channel with this name.
This board member of Nujin Cultural and Social Association was arrested by the Iranian security forces on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, Finally, he was temporarily released from Sanandaj prison on Monday, February 13, 2023, by posting bail until the end of the proceedings.
Earlier, Saywab Ebrahimi was arrested by the security forces on January 3, 2023, while he was referring to the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Court in Sanandaj to pursue the case of his wife, Zara Mohammadi which he was released on bail on January 5, 2023.