In Piranshahr and Urmia, two people were killed, including a teenager
At least two people died on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, including 16-year-old Zakaria Khial and 23-year-old Farjad Darwishi.

Hengaw: Wednesday, September 21, 2022
At least two people died on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, including 16-year-old Zakaria Khial and 23-year-old Farjad Darwishi.
Zakaria Khial, 16, was shot in the head by security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran during demonstrations in Piranshahar over the state kill of Zhina Amini, according to a report obtained by the Hengaw human rights organization.
Farjad Darwishi, a protester from the Balu hamlet near Urmia, was shot and died during the demonstrations on Waaliasr Street in Urmia. He passed away on the way to the hospital.
Hengaw has been informed that the two young people's funeral service was held at night under tight security.
In the previous three days, at least five Kurdish residents in the cities of Dehgolan, Diwandara, Saqez, Urmia, and Piranshahr have been murdered by direct fire by Iranian security forces, according to statistics from the Hengaw human rights organization.