
There are 346 items matching your search Marivan

Iraj Rahimzadeh, a civil and environmental activist living in Marivan, was arrested

  Hengaw: Saturday, May 28, 2022    Iraj Rahimzadeh, 44, a civil activist from "Ravaar" village in Sarvabad district and living in Marivan, was arrested on Saturda...

29 May 2022 15:29

Nowsud border; A Kolbar was wounded by a direct fire from the border guards

  Hengaw: Wednesday, May 25, 2022    A Kolbar from Marivan identified as Hakim Sasani, 47, was wounded by a direct fire from the border guards while Kolbaring on the border ...

26 May 2022 09:36

A Kolbar from Sarvabad was injured on the Sarvabad border

  Hengaw: Wednesday, May 25, 2022    A Kolbar from Sarvabad identified as Madeh Karimi was seriously injured owing to a fall from a height while kolbaring on "Tateh&quo...

25 May 2022 22:50

Worrying statistics on the suicide of 12 teenagers in two months in the cities of Kurdistan

Hengaw: Tuesday, May 24, 2022    On Monday, May 23, 2022, two teenagers called Mohammad Badereh, 11, from Marivan, and Sina Khorani, 16, from Ivan Gharb in Ilam province, hanged th...

24 May 2022 18:33

A report on the arrest of five former members of the Komala Party at the Baneh border

  Hengaw: Thursday, May 19, 2022    Five former members of Komala called Nowzad Karimi from Marivan, Verya Moayed from Sanandaj, Ali Sahraei from Kermanshah, Kazhan Samadi, ...

19 May 2022 22:54

Four tradesmen (Kasibkar) were wounded in Marivan by direct fire from the military forces

  Hengaw: Friday, May 13, 2022    At least four tradesmen from "Sardush" village, a district of Marivan, named Ayub Pirozi (son of Abdullah), 36, Abubakr Fattahi, ...

13 May 2022 22:24

Detention of a citizen from Marivan to serve his sentence in prison

  Alan Borzoi, a citizen from Marivan, who had previously been sentenced to six months in prison by the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, was arrested on Monday, May 9, 2022, and ...

13 May 2022 16:06

Mariwan; Two ordinary citizens were wounded by IRGC forces

  Hengaw: Thursday, April 28, 2022    Two citizens from Marivan, Osman Veisi, 33, and Keyvan (unknown Family name) were severely wounded by the Revolutionary Guards in the e...

28 April 2022 09:55

Marivan: Kurdish citizen faces prison sentence

  Hengaw: A Kurdish citizen from Marivan, who was sentenced to prison by the judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran, went to the central prison of Marivan to begin his prison sentence. ...

25 December 2021 17:31

Sirvan Alipour from Eastern Kurdistan is one of the English Channel boat disaster victims

  Hengaw: Ten days after a boat carrying refugees sank between France and Britain, a young man from Sardasht was identified. According to a report by the Hengaw, Human Rights Organiz...

08 December 2021 10:08

Four Kolbars injured in the border region of Nowsud

  Hengaw: Four Kolbars, including two brothers, were shot by Iranian border guards while they were working in the border region near the Kurdish city of Nowsud. According to the repo...

26 November 2021 21:04

Iranian Intelligence Forces detained four Kurdish civilians from Nayr village in Kurdistan Province

  Hengaw: An Ongoing wave of arbitrary detention of Kurdish civilians in Kurdistan Province resulted in detaining at least four Kurdish civilians from Nayr, a village in Sanandaj, Kurdista...

15 November 2021 11:55

Two Kolbers were killed and wounded on the borders of Kurdistan

  Hengaw: A Kolber was killed on the border of Marivan by a direct fire of the Border Regiment, and another Kolber was severely injured in a fall from a height in the border areas of Nosud...

09 September 2021 21:33

Ansar Adwaei was taken under custody to serve his sentenced in prison

  Hengaw: According to a report received by the Hengaw, Human Rights Organization, on Monday, August 23, 2021, Ansar Adwaei, a resident of Selin village in Sarwabad district, was taken unde...

24 August 2021 19:34

Current state of a Kurdish political prisoner, Tahsin Piroozi in Bandar Abbas prison

  Hengaw: A citizen of Marivan, who was arrested during obligatory military service and sentenced to 15 years in prison in exile, is currently being held in Bandar Abbas Prison in a very p...

18 August 2021 20:16

Detention of two Kurdish citizens in Marivan and Piranshahr

  Hengaw:  in the past few days, two Kurdish citizens have been arrested by the security services of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the cities of Marivan and Piranshahr. A...

23 July 2021 16:29

Arrest and unaware of the fate of a citizen from Ney village in Marivan

  Hengaw: A citizen from Ney village in Marivan was arrested by security forces last week and transferred to Sanandaj. According to a report received by the Hengaw Human Rights Organ...

17 July 2021 19:06

June 2021: Monthly report on Human Rights Violations in Iranian Kurdistan

  Hengaw: During June 2021, at least 68 human rights violations were recorded in Iranian Kurdistan. According to the statistics recorded in the Statistics and Data Documentation Cent...

07 July 2021 12:07

A report about female Kurdish political prisoner, Avashin Zagros in one of the Iranian security detention centers in Sanandaj

  Hengaw: A female Kurdish citizen from Syria who was captured  in fall 2020 following an armed clash between Free Kurdistan Life Party (PJAK) guerrillas and Islamic Revolutionary Gua...

06 July 2021 12:28

Barzan Mohammadi, a former Kurdish political prisoner, gets tortured by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps(IRGC) officials and receives a new prison sentence

  Hengaw: Barzan Mohammadi, a civil activist and former political prisoner from Sarvabad of Marivan district in Kurdistan province faced trial online from inside the prison two weeks after...

01 July 2021 18:56