
There are 346 items matching your search Marivan

2 Kolbars killed and injured by direct fire from the Iranian Armed Forces on the borders of Sarvabad

  Hengaw: A young Kolbar was killed and another one was injured by direct fire from the Iranian Armed Forces while crossing the borders of Sarvabad district of Kurdistan Province. Ac...

01 July 2021 10:15

Iranian Armed Forces kill a Kurdish shepherd on the borders of Marivan

  Hengaw: A Kurdish citizen from the Marivan district of Kurdistan province who was grazing his cattle on the borders of this city has been killed by direct fire from the Iranian Armed for...

24 June 2021 13:19

Another Kurdish asylum seeker dies in Greece

  Hengaw: A Kurdish asylum seeker from the Marivan district of Kurdistan province who was seriously injured in a car accident in Greece two weeks ago has died  due to the severity of ...

23 June 2021 17:59

Female Kurdish civil activist, Soraya Haghdoost, from Marivan, arrested and transferred to Sanandaj

  Hengaw: A female Kurdish civil activist from Marivan was  arrested four days ago by Iranian security forces and transferred to Sanandaj. According to a report received by Heng...

21 June 2021 10:55

17-year-old Kurdish juvenile imprisoned in Sanandaj prison sews his lips and goes on a hunger strike

  Hengaw: A 17 -year-old Kurdish prisoner detained for premeditated murder has gone on a hunger strike by sewing his lips to protest the uncertainty of his case. According to a repor...

20 June 2021 12:47

Kurdish poet and writer, Aram Fathi from Marivan arrested by Iranian Security Services

  Hengaw: Aram Fathi, a Kurdish poet, and novelist from Marivan, has been arrested by Iranian security forces and taken to an unknown location. According to a report received by Heng...

17 June 2021 14:33

3 Kolbars, including a 18-year-old one injured by direct fire from Iranian and Turkish Armed Forces in Sarvabad, Baneh, and Maku borders

  Hengaw : In recent days,3 kolbars  have been injured by Iranian and Turkish Armed Forces while crossings borders of Iranian Kurdistan. According to a report received by Hengaw...

07 June 2021 11:47

Two Kurdish asylum seekers from Marivan lost their lives in Greece

  Hengaw: Two  refugees from Marivan district of Kurdistan province have lost their lives in a car accident in Greece. According to a report received by Hengaw Human Rights Orga...

06 June 2021 23:30

Female Kurdish political prisoner, Viyan Mohammadi goes on a hunger strike in the IRGC intelligence detention center in Urmia

  Hengaw : A Kurdish student from Marivan, who was arrested in Tehran last month, has gone on a hunger strike in the Urmia Intelligence Detention Center. According to a report receiv...

03 June 2021 17:18

Hengaw Human Rights Organisation Monthly Report on Human Rights Violations in Iranian Kurdistan during May 2021

  Hengaw: At least 77 human rights violations have been reported in Iranian Kurdistan over the past month. According to the statistics recorded at the Statistics and Data Documentati...

03 June 2021 13:01

Kurdish citizen from Marivan arrested by Iranian security forces

  Hengaw: A young Kurdish man living in a village in Marivan district of Kurdistan Province has been  arrested after being summoned to the Iranian intelligence headquarters in the cit...

25 May 2021 08:48

Landmine blast injures a civilian in Marivan

  Hengaw : A landmine blast in a village in the Kumasi region of Marivan district in Kurdistan province has injured a civilian. According to a report received by Hengaw Human Rights ...

23 May 2021 11:57

Young Kurdish man lynched and injured by Radical Islamist groups in Marivan

  Hengaw : Following the clashes between radical Islamist (Salafist) groups and citizens in the cities of Marivan and Saqqez in recent weeks, another young man was severely beaten and inju...

18 May 2021 11:45

Kurdish student , Viyan Mohammadi from Marivan transferred to Urmia after her arrest

  Hengaw : Last week, a Kurdish student was arrested in Tehran by the security services of the Islamic Republic of Iran and transferred to one of the security detention centers in Urmia. ...

07 May 2021 13:49

Several kurdish citizens from Marivan arrested by the Iranian security forces for protesting the Salafist group’s maneuver in the city

  Hengaw : One day after the citizens of Marivan protested against the Salafist group’s attack with knives and awards on a neighbourhood which resulted in  injuring 2 citizens t...

04 May 2021 00:47

Two Kolbars injured by direct shootings from and torture from the Iranian armed forces on the border of Sarvabad

  Hengaw : During the past few days, at least two Kolbar from Marivan district of Kurdistan Province have been injured in the border heights of Tateh Mountain in Sarvabad. According ...

01 May 2021 12:43

5 Kolbars injured in border areas of Marivan by Iranian Armed forces

  Hengaw : At least 5 Kolbars Have been  injured  in one of the  border areas  of Marivan by  direct shootings from the Iranian Border Guards  forces and ...

25 April 2021 11:21

Two members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps killed during clashes with Kurdish Opposition Forces on the borders of Marivan

  Henagw : An armed clash took place between a Kurdish party and Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) forces on the borders of Marivan, in which two members of the Revolutionary Guard...

22 April 2021 10:54

Kurdish citizen from Sanandaj arrested for participating in Newroz celebrations

  Hengaw: Following the wave of arrests of Kurdish citizens, a citizen from Sanandaj has been arrested by the Iranian security agencies for participating Newroz celebrations. Accordi...

09 April 2021 19:19

The number of Kurdish citizens arrested for participating in Newroz celebrations increases in Baneh

  Hengaw: With the identification of another destined citizen in Baneh district of Kurdistan province, the number of detainees in this city has reached 5, and it is likely to increase. ...

31 March 2021 10:51